
Investment funds in football I

Although the great public may seem novel, the Phenomenon of investment funds In the world of football, it is already enough years operating. It was born in Latin America, mainly in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Uruguay, although in the most rudimentary version in which the place of investment funds occupied it "companies" and has gone from being a growing phenomenon to become a real problem for FIFA, UEFA and the different national federations. These comply with concern as the control that national associations exercised in a well-known way in terms of transfers begins to be diluted and complicated by the emergence of new (financial) actors who claim protagonism and singing voice.

Investment funds in football II

In the previous article, I showed my distrust towards these practices as it is currently carried out. But this does not mean that it is radically against nor not to recognize that it could be otherwise and that could be useful and fulfill a help mission by facilitating a different type of financial operations in the complicated world of international signings. We are going to deepen some important aspects that help us better understand how and why of this matter.

Futbollab looks for the best soccer articulists!

At football lab we believe that there is a lot of potential, and many passionate soccer people who would like them to be published their articles, works, points of view or experiences.

Soccer Coaches Exercise: Counterattack Improvement 2

Soccer exercise: Improvement of counterattack.

Here is another exercise on improving counterattack for you to use directly or adapt to the needs of your football team.