
What is the middle block?

What does it mean to defend in a middle block, it means that we give the rival the initiative when it comes to leaving the ball so that they can generate that superiority and that they can leave that first line more easily and it means placing our team between the zone of progression or start and the opponent's finishing zone.

Attack plays

The attack is to bring the ball to the opponent arc in joint action with the team once the possession is recovered or the party starts up. During the formative stages in base football, players are instilled with a series of offensive principles to build a more organized and less random attack.

Backing exercise

In this article, we show a very interesting and effective exercise to practice the counterattacks of our team during training.

How do you build trust in a field?

Confidence on the field is a differential point between one player and another. Therefore, for a player to have self-confidence, we as coaches must build confidence on the pitch. Do you want to know how? Discover it here.