
Practical examples of technical reports models

Technical reports are documents that present detailed information on a specific topic in various fields such as engineering, science, medicine and computer science. These reports are used to communicate research results, describe problems and solutions, present technical data and provide recommendations. In this article, there are five examples of technical reports, ranging from a civil engineering report that analyzes the soil failure potential in a construction site, to an environmental impact assessment report of a power plant, through a Scientific research report on the relationship between exposure to certain chemicals and the appearance of cancer. In each case, the methodology used is described, the results are presented in easy to understand graphics and tables and the main conclusions and recommendations are summarized.

The 20 fundamental pillars of Thomas Tuchel's work philosophy in football

The article presents the work philosophy of the football coach Thomas Tuchel, which focuses on the Teamwork, discipline, innovation and individual development of players. 20 important aspects of your approach are presented, including the Tactical flexibility, high pressure, positional game, data analytics and the physical preparation of the equipment. Tuchel is also passionate in the Youth Development and seeks to create a clear and defined game identity for your team.

Discovering the Real Madrid quarry method: forming future football stars

The Real Madrid quarry has produced some of the best soccer players of all times, and it is still a inexhaustible source of talent for the first team. The transition of young soccer players from the quarry to the first team is a carefully planned process, which has given rise to some of the most moments prominent in the history of the club.

The innovative approach of the RCD Espanyol quarry: building a promising future in football

He Integral Training Model of the quarry of RCD Espanyol it's a example to follow for other clubs, and has proven to be Effective in the formation of elite soccer players. The approach to the technical, personal and values ​​of young soccer players, together with the highly qualified sports and technical structure, the right competition for the level of the players and personal accompaniment, are the pillars fundamental of this integral formation model.