Course List

Official Middle Degree in Football

Official Middle Degree in Football

The average degree in football is an official qualification that gives you the level 1 and 2 of coach, being able to officially train football teams up to amateur category, it is a degree that empowers you both at the level of knowledge and professional training To practice as a coach.

Official Title of Middle Grade in Soccer Level 1

Official Title of Middle Grade in Soccer Level 1

With the intermediate level in soccer Level 1 empowers you to coach base football teams, with this course you can have a federative license to be able to take in competition of those levels.

Official Title of Middle Grade in Soccer Level 2

Official Title of Middle Grade in Soccer Level 2

In this Coach Level 2 course you will be able to officially train amateur teams, this title is the equivalent to level B Uefa, which empowers you to have a high certified level of knowledge as a soccer coach. It is an official degree from the Ministry of Education and empowers to train at the federative level.

Middle Degree in FP in Guide of the Natural Environment and Free Time (2nd Course)

Middle Degree in FP in Guide of the Natural Environment and Free Time (2nd Course)

This is a page to reserve a place in the middle grade physical activities of the course 2022/23.

Official Degree Middle Degree of Physical-Sports Activities in the Natural Environment

Official Degree Middle Degree of Physical-Sports Activities in the Natural Environment

This official degree of Medium Degree in Physical Activities in the natural environment will empower you to be a sports technician, with it you can access higher degrees of professional training of any branch. These studies have a duration of one academic year.

Official Middle Degree in Football

Official Middle Degree in Football

The average degree in football is an official qualification that gives you the level 1 and 2 of coach, being able to officially train football teams up to amateur category, it is a degree that empowers you both at the level of knowledge and professional training To practice as a coach.

Grado Medio en Barrancos

Obtén una formación completa en el campo de los barranquismos con nuestro Grado Medio en Barrancos. Aprende técnicas de descenso, seguridad y manejo de materiales mientras disfrutas de emocionantes aventuras en los barrancos más impresionantes.

Grado Medio en Montaña

¡Aprende de los mejores en nuestro ciclo formativo de montaña! Con nuestra formación especializada en técnicas de senderismo, escalada y orientación, tendrás las habilidades necesarias para conquistar las cumbres más desafiantes. ¡Inscríbete ya!